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  Welcome To Meningioma Brain Tumor Network, Inc

The "Tree of Life" parable is the illuminating influence for MBTN, Inc services. As a viewer exploring the pages of this website, you will find a focused emphasis on the quality of life needs of meningioma brain tumor survivors/thrivers and our strategies for addressing them. As William Hendriksen suggests, the term "Tree of Life" is collective.  Hence, MBTN, Inc's drive is to create a sustainable model of Collaborative Laboratories (Co-Labs) which highlight a myriad of service provisions, using interprofessional healthcare and other personnel, whose specific aims are to strengthen advocacy, create meningioma brain tumor survivor/thriver-specific support groups and develop customized treatment services, that present measurable improvements to meningioma brain tumor thriver's/survivor's quality of life.

Tree of Life by William Hendreksen.JPG #

"MBTN, Inc, where those of us living this story, can authentically author it."  Dr. Jo-Anne Evans Coleman, Meningioma Survivor/Thriver  

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